Wakfu Sacrier Berserk Dmg 1
- Eliatrope [Fuck Off]: You don't get to play as an Eliatrope, fucker
- Osamodas [36 points]: Ally (100%, Always There, Sympathy [-50%]) [10], Striker (Impaling, Weak [-50%], Cannot Parry [-40%]) [2], Extra Arm (Tail, Weak [-25%], No Physical Attack [-50%]) [3], Modular Abilities 10 (Cosmic, Physical [+50%], Limited Use (1/Day) [-40%], FP Cost (2FP) [-10%], Requires Consumption of Willing Target [-40%], Can Only Take Traits Consumed Target Has [-40%]) [20], Fur [1]
- Sadida [35 points]: Ally (10%, Always There, Summonable [+100%], Minion [+50%]) [10], Self Destruct (Reduced Time 18 [+360%], Mitigator (Link to Great Tree, Constant) [-60%]) [-40], Shortened Lifespan 4 (Mitigator (Link to Great Tree, Constant) [-60%]) [-16], Extended Lifespan 3 (Accessability (As long as Link to Great Tree is present) [-10%] [6], Control 2 (Plants, Common, Nature [+100%]) [80], Obsession (Preservation of Plants, Minor) [-5]
- Xelor [35 points]: Self Destruct (Mitigator (Bandages e'rry the fuck where) [-60%]) [-4], Innate Attack (1d Fatigue Damage, Malediction [+100%], Magic [-10%], Hazard (Missed Sleep) [+50%]) [24], Magery 1 [15]
- Iop [35 points]: -3 IQ [-60], +2 ST [20], +2 HT [20], +0.5 Speed [10], Berserk (<=9, Friends and Loved Ones only [-50%]) [-5], Indomitable [20], +6 Will [30]
- Cra [35 points]: Create (Arrows) (Reflexive [+40%], Reduced FP Cost 2 [+10%]) [15], Innate Attack (3 Pi++, ST-Based [+100%], Follow Up on Bow Shots [+0%], Link (Created Arrows) [+10%]) [20]
- Ecaflip [36 points]: Compulsive Gambling (<=15) [-10], Extraodinary Luck (Reduced Time 2 [+40%], Undetectable [+10%]) [45], Fur [1]
- Eniripsa [35 points]: Short Attention Span (<=9) [-10], Healing (Faith Healing [+20%], Reduced FP Cost 6 [+30%]) [45]
- Feca [35 points]: Artificer Talent 2 [20], Detect Magic (Magic Item Properties Only [-50%], Precise [+100%]) [15]
- Enutrof [35 points]: Extended Lifespan 2 (Maximum Age Only [-50%]) [2], Obsession (Money, Major) [-10], Detect Valuables (Vague [-50%]) [5], Will +7 (Only when parting with valuables [-20%]) [28], HT +1 [10]
- Sram [35 points]: Invisibility (Can Carry Objects (Light) [+20%], Switchable [+10%], 2 FP Cost [-10%], 1 Use per day (Slow Reload) [-35%], Maximum Duration (20 seconds) [-75%], Affects Machines [+50%]) [24], Move +4 (Only When Invisible [-20%]) [12], Careful [-1]
- Sacrier [35 points]: 35 DR (Ablative [-80%], Absorbtion (Temporary Disadvantage (Numb) [-20%]) [+80%], Magic [-10%], Obvious [-20%], Cannot Wear Armour [-40%], Force Field [+20%], Temporary Disadvantage (Hemophillia) [-30%]) [35]
- Pandawa [36 points]: +2 HT [20], Fur [1], Alcohol Tolerance [1], No Hangover [1], Magery 1 (Only Whilst Drunk) [9], Innate Attack A (1 dmg, Crushing, Melee (C) [-30%], ST Based [+100%], Link (Innate Attack B) [+10%], 2FP Cost) [2], Innate Attack B (1 dmg, Crushing, Melee (C) [-30%], ST Based [+100%], Link (Innate Attack A) [+10%]) [2]
- Masqueradier [35 points]: Multiple Personalities (Pick four sets equaling -30 points, Irresistable) (Only whilst wearing the appropriate mask [-20%]) [-60 total], Combat Reflexes (Only Whilst Wearing Speed OR Strength Masks [-20%]) [12], Move +5 (Only Whilst Wearing Speed Mask [-30%]) [17], ST +3 (Only Whilst Wearing Strength Mask [-30%]) [21], DR 6 (Only Whilst Wearing Defense Mask [-30%]) [21], Magery 1 (Only Whilst Wearing Magic Mask [-30%]) [12], EP 5 (Only Whilst Wearing Magic Mask [-30%]) [10], FP 5 (Only Whilst Wearing Defense or Magic Masks [-20%]) [12]
- Rogue [35 points]: Fanaticism (The Family) [-15], +1 ST [10], +1 HT [10], +1 DX [20], Perfect Balance [15], -1 HP [-3], -1 FP [-2]
- Unaligned Human [0 points]: Basic Human
Wakfu Sacrier Berserk Dmg 2017
地スペル使用時、Sacrierに付与されるArmorは攻撃を受けるまで、減少せずに 効果が永続する。自身へ付与できるArmorは現在HPと同等の値まで Armor per missing HP of the Sacrierは各スペルレベル60から追加される。.