Dmg Treasure Table

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5e Dmg Treasure Tables

Dmg Treasure TableTables
This extension adds a button to an encounter window that will generate a random treasure parcel appropriate for the number of creatures and their challenge rating present in the encounter. The 'Individual Treasure' tables from the Dungeon Master's Guide can be used as a default, or the user can create their own random treasure tables based on a creatures challenge rating.
Getting Started
Just copy the extension file to the extension folder of your Fantasy Grounds installation. Enable the extension as usual when creating or loading your campaign. Once your campaign loads, a new sample table will be displayed. You can just delete this table and use the DMG tables if desired. Or take a look at the new tables description for tips on creating your own treasure tables.
This extension reads the npc's and the number appearing from an encounter. A table is programmatically generated and then rolled on, outputting the results to a item parcel. The table is then automatically deleted. The generated table consults existing treasure tables located within a new table group 'Random Treasure Generator Extension', which is automatically created. If no tables are found in this group, the extension defaults to the DMG tables. (The DMG module must be loaded to use the default tables.) A sample treasure table is also created if the 'Random Treasure Generator Extension' group is not found. This sample treasure table should be edited to match your campaign. (It will only generate 1d6 gold for a creature regardless of CR, but is otherwise fully fuctional). If no 'Random Treasure Generator Extension' group is found in your tables, the group will be created and the sample table will be put in the group.
Custom Treasure Tables
You can create your own custom treasure tables. This is recommended if you do not use the DMG, as the provided sample table is more or less a placeholder. The only requirement is that your custom treasure table include a minimum and maximum CR listed numerically in the name of your table, and that the table be placed in the 'Random Treasure Generator Extension' table group. For example, the table can be named 'Joe's custom table for CR 3 through CR 9'. At a minimum, the table name should include just two numbers (One table can include just a single number covering all creatures with a CR greater or equal to the number.) The treasure tables can call on other tables as normal, and can include multiple columns. The custom treasure tables should cover all ranges of CR starting from 0 (fractional CR are not currently supported, defaulting to CR 0). The treasure tables should not overlap. The extension will attempt to detect an incomplete set of tables, and use the DMG tables instead. If it fails to detect incomplete or incorrect tables, the extension may explode.
Current Version: 0.6.02 - Added option to set generated parcel as 'GM Only' or to follow the default set in the 'Chat: Show DM Rolls' option.
Previous Versions
0.6.01 - Added check for Host vs. Client
0.6 - First release. Tested with FG 3.3.5
Link to post containing custom treasure table examples:
Treasure Parcel.png
Custom Treasure Table.png
Treasure Tables.png
Attached Files

D&d 5e Dmg Treasure Tables

  • 5E_Random-Treasure.ext(3.5 KB, 774 views)